
What is Building Information Modeling (BIM)?

February 28, 2022

What is Building Information Modeling (BIM)?


Collin Wheeler |

BIM, or Building Information Modeling, provides the most detailed asset information to ensure collaborative, yet efficient, planning, design, construction, and maintenance for buildings of all sizes. In this blog, we’ll discover what BIM is, its benefits, and Building Information Modeling practical uses.  We will also explore Asset Information Models (AIM) and how they can support ongoing management of enterprise building management and operations.


So, what is Building Information Modeling? BIM?

Across the globe, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is used as the standard approach of creating and managing information for a built asset. Highly detailed asset information is used to create 3D (AIM) models with information gathered from site audit, 3D Laser Scanning, Photogrammetry, or Reality Capture. That information  is used to create a digital twin rich with metadata to provide asset owners, designers, developers, planners, and property managers with detailed facts about building assets. From the planning and design phase of a project, throughout construction, and well into an assets operational lifecycle, BIM is without a doubt the most effective & efficient way to retain asset information.

What to do with this information?

The information mentioned above isn’t just for record keeping; it is actionable in many instances. BIM receives praise in providing data for renovation projects of existing buildings. BIM/AIM models are built using intelligent objects that retain metadata specific to that unique object, respectively. These intelligent objects are able to store data in such a way that if a single element is changed for one object, the entire model can reflect those changes. This allows collaboration to occur throughout the entire development project permitting architects, designers, engineers, contractors, construction crews, and project managers to remain coordinated on their specific tasks & roles. Additionally, quality building data can save you time, reduce cost, and improve site safety.

Additionally, BIM data has uses in leisure and future thinking technology. These models provide all of the necessary metadata to build foundations for video game models and can provide lifelike details to in-game graphics. If we really want to look into future technology, it’s hard to ignore the applications BIM/AIM provides for Virtual Reality walkthroughs. Imagine strapping on your latest VR headset and walking through a building that is in early construction phases, or touring a wedding venue without leaving your living room. This technology begs the question “how will BIM play a role in the Metaverse?” PMC is already looking in that direction as we have already completed projects for these types of implications.

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BIM, or Building Information Modeling, provides the most detailed asset information to ensure collaborative, yet efficient, planning, design, construction, and maintenance for buildings of all sizes.

Collin Wheeler

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